University of Konstanz Newsletter

Our newsletters regularly inform you about what is important to us at the University of Konstanz. To help you stay on top of current information and developments at our university, we publish newsletters on various topics.
We have compiled the following selection for you:
Please provide your current email address and select the newsletters you want to receive.
* required fields are marked red

Please select the newsletters you want to sign up to:

  • Regular updates from the International Office for international students who seek to achieve a degree from the University of Konstanz. We will inform you about important non-academic issues, changes in the residence permit application and our regular semester events to help you with the formalities while you are studying in Konstanz.

    We will send you our newsletter at least once every semester.
    Regelmäßige Updates vom International Office für internationale Studierende, die einen Abschluss an der Universität Konstanz erlangen möchten. Wir informieren Sie über wichtige nicht-akademische Angelegenheiten, Änderungen in der Beantragung eines Aufenthaltstitels und über unsere Semesterveranstaltungen, die Sie dabei unterstützen, die Formalitäten in Griff zu bekommen, während Sie in Konstanz studieren.

    Wir verschicken den Newsletter mindestens einmal im Semester.

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